It is a common phenomenon that employees do not know their legal rights or the type of compensation for which they may be eligible after they have a workplace accident. Worse than this, have been involved in a workplace accident and not even know it! So we can see that it is extremely important to have an understanding about labor law.
Here, we’ll examine some of the common mishaps and injuries that happen on the job and provide you with some information that will help in pursuing legal counsel and collecting a fair and just settlement from your employer.
You may have experienced a workplace accident if:
·You’ve been involved in a trauma disaster while on location. This could include: construction, assembly work, or operating heavy machinery, especially if your employer did not provide standard training.
·You’ve had a muscle strain or fracture due to your work in: Shipping and receiving, loading and unloading at a warehouse or lifting of heavy objects, especially if your employer did not provide proper safety equipment.
·You’ve had pain due to carpel tunnel or chronic back pain caused from not receiving proper breaks.
·You’ve had a slip and fall or trip incident due to an unsafe work environment. (Over 1/3 of all workplace accidents are slip and fall accidents!)
·You’ve had prolonged exposure to a harmful or hazardous material or chemical, resulting in respiratory or breathing problems.
·You’ve been injured because you were not provided with adequate safety and protective clothing, goggles, gloves, helmets, harnesses, etc.
If you can relate to any of the above workplace incidents, then it may be in your best interest to consult with an attorney who specializes in these types of workplace accidents. It’s important to have someone on your side that will help you navigate through the insurance and state claims that you’ll need to file.
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15 years ago